Monetize Your Blog and Ride the Giant Pink Pony

In keeping with the Podcast experiment (see below), this is an experiment to see how well Typepad integrates a video clip.  The sizing of the player is a real hassle, of course, and I am still puzzling over how the codec for Quicktime can be so shitty. ...

If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist…

Sounds like the kind of bold assertion I might have made, back when the sides of my head were shaved, the top was painted blue and I was filled with the kind of rage that only comes when you are dead certain that you are absolutely right and the rest of the world JUST...

Charts and Graphs and Numbers, Oh My!

Intelliseek has launched a new service called Blogpulse – which is an interesting attempt to try to get a handle on what exactly is going on in the blogosphere. The tools purport to show & describe how popular a blog is, how many conversations the blog...

HR 1606 – the Online Freedom of Speech Act

OK, you’re gonna hafta forgive me for this post; some errant code got into the first post, I tried to fit it, and my efforts only served to make the post more and more f’d up.  Sheesh.  You’d think HTML and computers were hard or...

Alan Moore and Intellectual Property

Every once in a while, you come across an interview with a genuine artist, one who doesn’t bend over when the big studio man comes calling with fat checks in his hand. In an interview that was originally published in truncated form in Giant (a magazine that...