The Creative Class War: FIrst Casualties and Collateral Damage

This started as a long comment in response to Martin Bosworth’s well-sourced screed on Boztopia…but I realized about 1/2 way through that the points I wanted to make were starting to get a little elaborate for just the “Comment” space –...

Buying Music to Sabotage Pop Culture: A Webconomics Puzzle

Music purists who despise the pre-packaged “X-Factor” (British version of “American Idol”) songs always hitting #1 on the charts are buying Rage Against the Machine’s incendiary “Killing in the Name” as a form of...

Leaf Boats

Leaf Boat, originally uploaded by Wordyeti. The heavy rainstorms of this past weekend were much-needed, and therefore much-welcomed in Los Angeles. The anticipated apocalyptic mudslides in the fire-ravaged areas never materialized, but that hasn’t stopped the...