by The Wordyeti | May 18, 2008 | Uncategorized
Not sure if I want to have to make sure that my hair is all on the correct tangent from my head, and that there’s no broccoli in my teeth before participating in my next online pie-fight in the comments section of Sadly, No! Then again, it’s only a matter...
by The Wordyeti | May 17, 2008 | journalism, music, newspaper crisis, television
Can you say “Doomed”? Apparently, a report called “And Now for the News,” written by Craig Moffett of Bernstein Research, came out this week, and it’s got both Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and, not coincidentally, HDNet, and...
by The Wordyeti | Oct 18, 2007 | music
Radiohead gives music away for free – kids prefer to pirate it off BitTorrent anywayOK, this has got to have a lot of entertainment execs reaching for the Maalox. TechCrunch reports that even though Radiohead, in a much-ballyhooed move, allowed customers to set...
by The Wordyeti | Aug 10, 2007 | Uncategorized
First we’re gonna download the show off BitTorrent, and then we’re gonna go out and get some Cheetos, and some S’mores, man … oooh! And don’t forget the Doritos… So amongst all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over illegal...
by The Wordyeti | Jul 19, 2007 | journalism
BusinessWeek says out loud what many in newspapers have been wondering: When will the industry just concede defeat and migrate to the web? Not soon, I think. All the case studies that I’ve been doing show that there is life yet in those thin sheets of...