by David | Sep 10, 2008 | Blogging, Digital Migration, google, journalism, Lemmings, new media, Newspaper Deathwatch, Newspapers
Still up in lovely Point Reyes, decompessing and re-imagining our web presence, so the output here has been seriously cramped. However, these three little items just beg for notice. 1. We’ve all seen the “MSM sucks, don’t believe what it...
by David | Jul 12, 2008 | Design, new media, Online Video
The exact numbers are somewhat fluid, but most analysts agree that only 1-5 people out of every thousand that visit a UGC site will actually contribute something. That works out to between 0.1 and 0.5%That is a very small group to base the success of your community...
by David | Jul 12, 2008 | Design, new media, Online Video
Ran across this on Andrew Sullivan’s blog, where he had it intriguingly titled as “Mental Health Break.”I found this very affecting; the creativity and dedication displayed here are humbling. A preview: Robbie Dingo, an alias for a resident of Second...
by David | Jul 9, 2008 | Design, Digital Migration, infographic, journalism, new media, Newspapers
A brief respite from the yammering about curmudgeons, interns, naivete vs. nihilism and all the rest of the debate over whether or not newspapers will be considered a curiosity in less than 2 years’ time… I got to this thru a post on the Poynter site, and...
by David | Jul 7, 2008 | Digital Migration, journalism, Lemmings, Newspaper Deathwatch, Newspapers
Buried at the end of this Reuters piece about how there aren’t many analysts bothering to report on the newspaper industry, comes this jewel of a quote: As for the sell-side, the analysts who remain — such as Goldman Sachs analyst Peter Appert —...