HDR Photo Expermiments

The landscape up here is so beautiful, and the light has been amazing.  I’ve taken to experimenting with combining multiple exposures into HDR photos. Here’s a view from atop Mt. Vision. This one needs a bit more adjusting – the fog clouds look...

Electrabel Rings in 2009

…and now, as a break from the heavy news about New Media & the near-constant anger & backbiting going on over whether or not civilization as we know it will survive another aggregate circulation decline… Here’s a reminder that creativity and...

Cat Riding a Roomba

I received the tweet earlier today, and it rocked my world like a bombshell.  It was from Scott Beale, owner/operator/provocateur of the Laughing Squid collective of digital mischiefmakers. It read “what could you possibility be doing right now that is...