New Media Starts to Pay Off

This story is definitely a ray of hope for newspapers – but the race now is to see if they can get their online operations up and generating money in time to keep the house of cards of their print editions from completely imploding.   From the studies...

Mack in His Natural Habitat

One thing that I am learning is that trying to post multiple multi-media objects in the same post makes Typepad very, very unhappy.  Thus, this screen capture of Mack in his office goes here. The hand gesture that Mack is seen making here is the throttling that...

No. Seriously. How Do You Monetize LAVoice?

This is part 2 of Mack Reed’s answer – the serious part – in which he explains that for a blogger time=money (which we all knew), but that pimping the site≠what Mack sees as the mission for This answer is a little longer, and perhaps...

If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist…

Sounds like the kind of bold assertion I might have made, back when the sides of my head were shaved, the top was painted blue and I was filled with the kind of rage that only comes when you are dead certain that you are absolutely right and the rest of the world JUST...

HR 1606 – the Online Freedom of Speech Act

OK, you’re gonna hafta forgive me for this post; some errant code got into the first post, I tried to fit it, and my efforts only served to make the post more and more f’d up.  Sheesh.  You’d think HTML and computers were hard or...