by The Wordyeti | Nov 14, 2006 | journalism
…although they are a strange and alarming bunch… Douglas Feith, widely derided as one of the key reasons that Iraq descended into the Pit of Hell … a neocon Defender of the Faith venal and small-minded enough that Gen. Tommy Franks called him...
by The Wordyeti | Nov 9, 2006 | journalism, music, television
An (absurdist) lesson in the lightning multi-platform flow of information these days: It is worth noting that the same day that I cited the election results as being exemplars of the pervasive and still growing influence of the web and New Media … comes this...
by The Wordyeti | Nov 8, 2006 | journalism
OK, OK, the parade has barely begun and the storm clouds are dumping. Over on Buzzmachine, Jarvis points out that, basically, wherever we go, there we are. So that in the future: Yes, this was an incredibly ugly, TV-run election in many races (including...
by The Wordyeti | Nov 8, 2006 | journalism
This election marks the shift of the balance of power – and not just from Republican to Democrat. No, the bigger shift was marked by this kudo from Howard Dean: The netroots community can be very proud. They’re playing a bigger role. Without the...
by The Wordyeti | Nov 6, 2006 | journalism
This is so wrong, I don’t even know where to start. I can’t even figure out if I should snark or just throw up. These are clearly the writings of someone who should be chained to a rotary leash in his own back yard and fed powerful...