Kiev, and Everything After

I’m still groggy from the flight over – I got on a plane at 12 noon on Friday, and got off at 7 p.m. Saturday.  In between, I got stuck in the middle seat on all three flights.  And in each case, the good folks at Northwest managed to put the three...

Making His Move

This cries out for the LOLCat treatment, but I am far too slammed with “New Media” work to come up with something clever.  Suggestions, anyone?

Friday Night Videos: Take A Break

As part of my ongoing experiment in coming up with a coherent content strategy, I offer up a week’s worth of fun and/or interesting videos that I’ve come across. It’s been a real rollercoaster of a week: Started out with the fear that Bush would...

Late Caturday Picture

Just another experiment with the Lightbox software.  The plug-in is working, but only fitfully.  I think I need to do some surgery on the “rel=” tagging functionality. Apparently, the healthy vegan cuisine does not appeal to Yuki.