by David | Jun 21, 2017 | adsense clickfraud, advertising, newspaper crisis, Newspaper Deathwatch, Newspapers
Are we about to see advertisers “flee to quality”? And would a complete overhaul of digital advertising be good for journalists and netizens who produce honest, high-quality content (and more importantly, bad for Fake News)? Mark Thompson, the CEO of the...
by David | Apr 8, 2015 | advertising, Digital Migration
The IAB has published their view. I have my own opinion. One of the biggest problems with “native advertising” is that it is such a new, made-up term of digital art, that it’s taken on an Alice in Wonderland-esque quality, in which the phrase means...
by David | Jan 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
As the “New” wears off of “New Media,” investors start to expect results Years ago, I did the first big case study for the NAA, back when newspaper revenues were in free fall, and publishers were desperately flailing around for a revenue stream...
by David | May 8, 2013 | advertising
One in an occasional, erratic and occasionally erratic series Time is money. Image is everything. Manners maketh man. Your reputation precedes you. And now, having a high (enough) Klout score wins you entry into the American Airlines first-class lounge, where you can...
by David | Mar 11, 2013 | advertising
Basically, this boils down to “are we willing to pay – either with our privacy (the coin of the online realm) or in actual ca$h dinero – for the relentless stream of information to be filtered down to stuff that we actually want to see, or that we...