David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
It’s rainy here in the fall
It's rainy here in the fall Originally uploaded by Wordyeti After a year in LA with no rain, it's dizzying to be in a place where actual moisture comes down out of the sky. And it's not bums on rooftops spitting on you. I'll admit it - when it first started raining, I...
The ballerina dances, but nobody pays attention
The ballerina dances, but nobody pays attention Originally uploaded by Wordyeti
Brezhnev slept here
Brezhnev slept here Originally uploaded by Wordyeti At some point, he probably did. Go ahead. Prove he didn't. Thought so.
OK, so I had a little vodka
OK, so I had a little vodka Originally uploaded by Wordyeti
Fireworks every night – like Disneyland
Fireworks every night - like Disneyland Originally uploaded by Wordyeti For no reason, there will be really huge, impressive fireworks displays over the Kremlin. Or other neighborhoods in Moscow. I'm not sure why this is. Apparently, the fireworks salesmen here give...
McMansions Turned into Grow Houses by Real-estate Collapse
The grass is, apparently, greener in American's sprawling and overvalued exurbs Well, that explains the formerly inexplicable sky-high prices of McMansions in the drab, endless suburbs surrounding major cities. I always wondered what you had to be on to buy a...