David lafontaine's

Sips from the firehose


A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.


Heads Originally uploaded by Wordyeti The expression on the guy to the far right - I think it's Socrates - pretty much sums up how I feel today.

This Makes Me Want to Move to a Small Town and Run a Local Paper

...and considering my early career experiences with small papers, that takes a lot of doing. Alex Brooks, editor of the Eastwick Press, in rural upstate New York, wrote a very moving and insightful piece about his experiences starting up a small paper. This paper,...

Copycat Front Page Design – I Remember

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." In Hollywood, they say "Cash is the sincerest form of flattery."  Well, here's a couple of money shots. The Roanoke Times, a paper that I use in a lot of my presentations, has a cover that is a...

TiVo-Proof Ads?

Once again, a sort-of "back to the future" approach is tried. If you've ever seen archival footage of TV shows from the 50s, you know that it was nothing extraordinary for a news anchor to smoothly transition from the latest Sputnik sighting to a pitch for...

TiVo-Proof Ads?

Once again, a sort-of "back to the future" approach is tried. If you've ever seen archival footage of TV shows from the 50s, you know that it was nothing extraordinary for a news anchor to smoothly transition from the latest Sputnik sighting to a pitch for...

Why Sip?

Because surfing the Internet is like drinking from a firehose, David LaFontaine braves the torrent to tell you what trends and technologies to gulp down, swirl in your mouth, or spit out.



November 2024

For Your Computer’s Pleasure…