David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
Heads Originally uploaded by Wordyeti The expression on the guy to the far right - I think it's Socrates - pretty much sums up how I feel today.
This Makes Me Want to Move to a Small Town and Run a Local Paper
...and considering my early career experiences with small papers, that takes a lot of doing. Alex Brooks, editor of the Eastwick Press, in rural upstate New York, wrote a very moving and insightful piece about his experiences starting up a small paper. This paper,...
News Flash to Military: The Media is NOT Your Enemy
All the shallow thinkers seemed to draw from Vietnam was that the brave military could have "won" that war, had not the craven, cowardly, hate-America-first media not stabbed them in the back.So in our most recent misadventure in Iraq, the military set out...
Copycat Front Page Design – I Remember
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." In Hollywood, they say "Cash is the sincerest form of flattery." Well, here's a couple of money shots. The Roanoke Times, a paper that I use in a lot of my presentations, has a cover that is a...
TiVo-Proof Ads?
Once again, a sort-of "back to the future" approach is tried. If you've ever seen archival footage of TV shows from the 50s, you know that it was nothing extraordinary for a news anchor to smoothly transition from the latest Sputnik sighting to a pitch for...
TiVo-Proof Ads?
Once again, a sort-of "back to the future" approach is tried. If you've ever seen archival footage of TV shows from the 50s, you know that it was nothing extraordinary for a news anchor to smoothly transition from the latest Sputnik sighting to a pitch for...