David lafontaine's

Sips from the firehose


A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.

OK, this is just uncalled-for

Buried at the end of this Reuters piece about how there aren't many analysts bothering to report on the newspaper industry, comes this jewel of a quote: As for the sell-side, the analysts who remain -- such as Goldman Sachs analyst Peter Appert -- often cover other...

Off-Topic, But Damn Funny …

...and then I thought about it, and not so much. Still, the bits here about people pretty much boarding themselves up in their houses and waiting until the Bush presidency blows over, seems to be pretty much where we are as a country these days. Everyone seems to be...

Off-Topic, But Damn Funny …

...and then I thought about it, and not so much. Still, the bits here about people pretty much boarding themselves up in their houses and waiting until the Bush presidency blows over, seems to be pretty much where we are as a country these days. Everyone seems to be...

What Happens When Newspapers Die … ?

I remain optimistic about the future of newspapers - should they get serious about making the necessary changes to survive - but it's hard to ignore the avalanche of bad news. I've been talking with colleagues recently about what a future without newspapers would look...

Why Sip?

Because surfing the Internet is like drinking from a firehose, David LaFontaine braves the torrent to tell you what trends and technologies to gulp down, swirl in your mouth, or spit out.



November 2024

For Your Computer’s Pleasure…