David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
Tanja Koop and David LaFontaine
Tanja Koop and David LaFontaineOriginally uploaded by janinewarnerThis was taken on the set of the commercials/promos I produced on Tuesday. It was election day (obviously) and we all kept pulling out our cellphones during the breaks in action, and jubilantly calling...
Viral Video Hits: Campaign ’08 Edition
Now that we're finally approaching the end of a presidential campaign season that started way back in May 2007 ... and as an aside, allow me to observe that it used to be that declaring for the presidency the December before the Iowa caucuses/New Hampshire primaries...
Viral Video Hits: Campaign ’08 Edition
Now that we're finally approaching the end of a presidential campaign season that started way back in May 2007 ... and as an aside, allow me to observe that it used to be that declaring for the presidency the December before the Iowa caucuses/New Hampshire primaries...
Time Restructuring Follow-Up: “Economic Tsunami”
Just as a follow-up to my earlier post on the Time, Inc. restructuring -- CEO Ann Moore spoke in front of the Audit Bureau of Circulation about the generally dismal state of the magazine publishing industry, which she reckoned is being hit by "an economic tsunami."...
Time Restructuring Follow-Up: “Economic Tsunami”
Just as a follow-up to my earlier post on the Time, Inc. restructuring -- CEO Ann Moore spoke in front of the Audit Bureau of Circulation about the generally dismal state of the magazine publishing industry, which she reckoned is being hit by "an economic tsunami."...
Future Newspaper: Will it Look Like Harry Potter’s “Daily Prophet”?
This is getting really, really close to the vision of the future that all the e-Ink dweebs have been yammering about for, oh, the last 40 years or so. The idea of an object that marries the (perceived) strengths of a newspaper with the electronic display have become...