David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
Electrabel Rings in 2009
...and now, as a break from the heavy news about New Media & the near-constant anger & backbiting going on over whether or not civilization as we know it will survive another aggregate circulation decline... Here's a reminder that creativity and innovation...
Electrabel Rings in 2009
...and now, as a break from the heavy news about New Media & the near-constant anger & backbiting going on over whether or not civilization as we know it will survive another aggregate circulation decline... Here's a reminder that creativity and innovation...
Jarvis & Weaver’s $1,000 Bet: Kum-bay-yah in 4, 3, 2 …
Been a while between posts here - I've had writing deadlines, presentation deadlines and a dauntingly ambitious editing task to try to manage. Anyway, despite this being the Christmas season, oft-assailed gadfly & jilted lover of newspapers Jeff Jarvis...
Jarvis & Weaver’s $1,000 Bet: Kum-bay-yah in 4, 3, 2 …
Been a while between posts here - I've had writing deadlines, presentation deadlines and a dauntingly ambitious editing task to try to manage. Anyway, despite this being the Christmas season, oft-assailed gadfly & jilted lover of newspapers Jeff Jarvis...
Cold Comfort for the (former) Ink-Stained Wretches of the 4th Estate
Josh Marshall feels bad about all the cuts in newspapers. Which is a dangerous thing to express in public, as angry curmudgeons tend to descend in swarms, likely blaming Marshall for their plight ... while surreptitiously banging in copies of their resume &...
Obama-Haters Won’t Give Up, File Suits Over Birth Certificate
I hesitate to even blog this, but apparently some people have their hands over their ears & are screaming like an F-18 engine on takeoff, desperate to avoid the news or any other hint of reality penetrating their Anti-Reality Extra-Stoopid Force Field... Lawsuits...