David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
Solutions to Fake News 1: Deny Lie Merchants Access to Premium Ad Revenue
Is a market-based solution the best way to solve the fake news problem? There's been a sudden realization outside the cozy confines of digital business model nerds, that the open nature of the web has allowed an entire class of scammers to establish themselves, grow,...
12 Steps to Media Sobriety: the Storify is the First Step (sorta)
OK, this is going to need a bit more work to turn into something that rivals the Cluetrain Manifesto, but there is definitely something here. (Photo below added because so many Chrome users are seeing only blanks on this page, and you should know at least what you're...
Venezuelan currency – are any of these bills still used?
While rummaging around the various souvenirs and mementoes from all our travels, I ran across these: With the inflation rate running in the near-four-figure range (the way it did in '88 when I was an overwhelmed editor there), I wonder if there is even a use for...
SoCal UX Job Fair & Meetup
Nerd heaven: learning about the latest in UX while meeting killer startups On Sept. 17, I attended the latest SoCal UX group meetup in downtown Los Angeles, where 29o designers mingled with startups looking for talent, and honed their skills by learning about the...
Should Local News Be Marketed as “Infrastructure”?
Ken Doctor at Neiman's "Newsonomics" points out that the "self-asphyxiation" cycle is nearing endgame I cross-posted a response to this on Facebook, so if you've already seen it there from me, my apologies. But I've been watching the gradual descent of local news for...
Brainwashed User Confesses: “I Was a Human Bot-net for Klout”
When Hootsuite, the industry leader when it comes to managing social media profiles, removes a feature so essential to what community managers, social marketing execs and wanna-be YouTube stars are trying to do (i.e. identify & interact with “influencers” to thereby achieve business goals), then there is definitely Something Really Heavy going on behind the scenes.