David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
Bill Cosby is Not Dead Yet: A Viral Marketing Set-up?
Cosby is a shrewd marketer & hustler; I wouldn’t put it past him to stage a non-event like this to take advantage of the overheated, overhyped nature of the Twitosphere to get his name out there (and how many times in the past six months have you actually even heard Bill Cosby’s name? Yeah, like that). One of the surest ways to cause a kerfuffle was proved a year ago when the news of Michael Jackson’s death caused the FailWhale to appear … so maybe Cosby & his web team figured out that sock-puppeting a rumor of Cosby’s sudden death would be enough to set off a ruckus.
Mobile Web Design for Dummies — DONE!!!(eleven)1!
UPDATED WITH NEW COVER: Like any project, the last 5% takes 50% of the effort. So here is the new&improved cover of the book, which shows the essence of what we want to communicate -- that it is possible (if you take the time and know what you're doing) to achieve...
At the Tower Bridge
Dave at the Tower Bridge, originally uploaded by Wordyeti. Walking around London, I was struck by how much I recognized from old episodes of Dr. Who and Monty Python. Also, by the helpful little painted warnings at every intersection, warning the no-doubt "thick as...
Tbilisi Journalist Training: Graduation Day
Tbilisi Journalist Graduation, originally uploaded by Wordyeti. These are the journalists from the smaller cities & towns outside of Tbilisi, Georgia. They're all grinning happily, because they've managed to survive my intense one-week course, where I set them all...
Animated Movie: A Marxist’s Take on the Double-Dip Recession
Not sure if I agree with all the theses, but at least the intro really accurately runs down all the flak-catching targets for what was known as "The Subprime Mortgage Meltdown," and is now about to be known as "The Great Depression II." Man, I wish I could draw as...
Helping Hand
Helping Hand, originally uploaded by Wordyeti. This is the latest from my class of regional journalists in Tbilisi, Georgia. Of course, shortly after this picture was taken, Premiere Elements 8 crashed - yet again. Man, if I had known that Adobe had really neglected...