David lafontaine's

Sips from the firehose


A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.

Truth Vigilantes and Online Reputation

This was originally a comment to Robert Niles' excellent piece on the Online Journalism Review, on whether or not the New York Times should be a "Truth Vigilante". I'm republishing it here, because it looks like the commenting feature on OJR (always a little hinky) is...

Panorama Experiments

Just playing around with some of the photos I've shot over the years - this one is a panorama of the city of Tbilisi, Georgia. It's an amazing town - ancient and modern, and at the time this photo was taken, baking at about 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Filter Bubbles” and the Raison d’Etre for This Here Blog

The contradictory voices are there. They are presented by voices that mock & disagree with them – in much the same way that newspaper editors, radio hosts and TV anchors did back in the pure human filtration days – but the voices and bits of information are there.

I do agree that there is a serious problem in our society today that a large segment is seemingly living in its own reality, with its own set of facts an interpretations. But this has been true before in our history as well (See: Davis, Jefferson et al.). But this problem predates the web, and is attributable more to talk radio and the removal of the Fairness Doctrine and Equal Time than anything else … and to the failure of the American educational system to produce large swathes of the citizenry capable of critical thinking.

Why Sip?

Because surfing the Internet is like drinking from a firehose, David LaFontaine braves the torrent to tell you what trends and technologies to gulp down, swirl in your mouth, or spit out.



January 2025

For Your Computer’s Pleasure…