David lafontaine's
Sips from the firehose
A site that attempts to render the internet down into one easy-to consume mental beverage.
Growing Pains: Daredevil Construction and the Future of Ethiopia
Africa's fastest-growing economy balances between dreams of the future and the shackles of the past For those libertarians who feel that OSHA and any and all regulations on workplace safety are the very essence of neo-Stalinism, I submit the construction industry in...
State of Media in East Africa: “Mover and Shakers” Interview for AfroFM
UPDATE: The first video below was erroneously a duplicate of video #3. I blame the shoddy connection I had - I am thrilled that the videos made it up to YouTube at all, frankly, and it took me an hour and several tried to get this post to publish, so I had some...
My interview with AfroFM
This is the charming host of "Movers and Shakers" here in the lobby of the Semien Hotel.
Teaching video techniques at Addis Ababa University
My students wanted to make sure to capture the conversation around the roundtable discussion we had on the subject of press freedom, so they set up the bagttered (but still serviceable) cameras outside the journalism department offices, and brought in all the...
Satellite TV dishes are common on the rooftops of Addis Ababa
Even in the somewhat gritty neighborhoods, the rooftops of Addis Ababa are adorned with satellite TV dishes. There is a great hunger here for high-quality content…
In need of coffee in Ethiopia
Something that will make people of a certain age nostalgic: Pull-Tab soda cans. Some part of me wants to collect all the tabs and weave them together into a glittering metal vest ... If you recall, the hippies used to do this, back when recycling was still this...