"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

In Hollywood, they say "Cash is the sincerest form of flattery."  Well, here’s a couple of money shots.
The Roanoke Times, a paper that I use in a lot of my presentations, has a cover that is a near-perfect duplicate of the Apr. 4 Memphis Commercial Appeal.

First, the front page commemorating the anniversary of MLK’s assassination:


Great stuff – stark image, in keeping with the somber nature of the day. 

Next up, the Roanoke Times, one the first anniversary of the VT school shootings:


I know, I know. Whaddaya gonna do with this subject? You gotta go minimalist here, and there are only so many ways to express the "It’s time to think about a past bad event and feel bad about it" meme.  And, most likely, the graphic designers at the Times never saw the front page of the Commercial Appeal before they put up their big commemorative edition. And just for the record, I do like both designs. 

Still, it’s a freaky coinkydink, no?