David LaFontaine's
Sips from the Firehose
A blog that attempts to distill the internet into one easy-to-gulp mental beverage.
Ahhh! Tasty.
Jiangsu Broadcasting learns about transmedia, social media and multimedia at Annenberg
So this happened: I got asked to help train a team of 25 bright, ambitious, clever & talented people from Jiangsu Broadcasting. I believe they are headquartered in Nanjing, and they were set loose in Los Angeles for 20 days (missing out on some big & important...
“Fairness over truth” – StopFake points out vulnerabilities in The View From Nowhere
Ukrainians fighting the Kremlin's propaganda machine release report on what they've learned While I've been regularly sharing, reposting and ReTweeting the efforts of my friends, colleagues and students in Ukraine over the past year and a half, I must admit that there...
How Big Data and Online Games Help Catch Scammers
I did a case study on this use of analytics technology more than a year ago. The gist of it is this: online MMPORGs like World of Warcraft, EVE, Everquest, etc., are wonderful tools whereby to study human interactions. Here's the gist: when you map the connections...
Mary Meeker’s yearly “Future of Internet” PowerPoint
Shorter: Mobile is still undervalued. Hackers suck. China is about over; India is next. Professional content producers still doomed. But good design still matters. Every year, Mary Meeker produces a massive presentation that quickly makes the rounds on Teh Interwebz...
Five classes. Two years. One graduation day.
In a business environment that closely resembles the last five minutes of a James Bond film, where the klaxons are blaring and guys in white jumpsuits are frantically running around and dying in explosions because Bond just set the reactor to overload… the absolute stupidest, most dangerous thing you can possibly do is just stand still. Act defensively.
What is “native advertising” anyway?
The IAB has published their view. I have my own opinion. One of the biggest problems with "native advertising" is that it is such a new, made-up term of digital art, that it's taken on an Alice in Wonderland-esque quality, in which the phrase means whatever the...