David LaFontaine's
Sips from the Firehose
A blog that attempts to distill the internet into one easy-to-gulp mental beverage.
Ahhh! Tasty.
Why ad dollars will keep surging – faster & faster – towards digital
Another quick hit, this one courtesy of an article in AdAge about how the free-fall in the ad industry has at least stopped, but what's emerging out of the wreckage is that things will never go back to the way they were. "This current economy has stimulated a new...
Unruly Adobe Tag Cloud for MAX in LA
This is a 3-D animated tag cloud to promote the Adobe MAX conference here in LA; but I think they might want to regulate this a bit more, because some of the user-chosen tags are getting a little … pungent.
Kenyan Price has Obama’s Birth Certificate in Safe-Deposit Box: Joke or Business Opportunity?
Saw this stuck in my spam filter; I think it's obviously a joke, but in light of the gullibility and freaky denial of reality on the part of the "Birthers," maybe someone is actually getting people to click through on the link: I am Christian Kenya Prince. I have...
The Economist Looks for Aliens in California
A quick shout-out to my friends in Berkeley who work for SETI - you guys made the Economist. Nice graf here about how hard your job is: a single mobile phone located on the moon would give off a much stronger signal than almost every astronomical object in the radio...
AP Installing Software to Track “Content Thieves” – This Should Work Out Just Fine
At the risk of having some tort-toting barrister slithering under my office door, here's a link to a NY Times story about the latest salvo in the growing war between Traditional Media and online news aggregators/commenters. The Associated Press said Thursday that it...
Interview with Joel Kramer of MinnPost.com about Real-Time Ads
This is the bookend interview I did for the story on Real-Time Ads.
Joel Kramer explains how MinnPost.com is using Real-Time Ads to build up business with local advertisers by giving them a product that they can’t find anywhere else.