David LaFontaine's
Sips from the Firehose
A blog that attempts to distill the internet into one easy-to-gulp mental beverage.
Ahhh! Tasty.
The wrap-up of the civic media conference at the MIT Media Lab
Town Hall Meetings on Medicare and the GOP
This is a short clip from the recent "Town Hall" type meeting that brand-new Rep. Karen Bass had with her constituents here in Cal-33. This has got to be one of the most diverse districts in California, if not the entire U.S. in these Gerrymandered times.The room was...
Rep. Karen Bass uses QR codes at town hall meeting
This got written up in the Congressional Quarterly; considering that the constituents in Cal-33 overindex for mobile web use, this is a real stroke of genius. After the meeting was over, I helped at least 3 people load the QR reader software onto their phones so they...
Children of Chernobyl: Persistent Effects of Long-Term Radiation Exposure
The problem is that Strontium-90 looks to the body like calcium. So the children’s bodies grab it and add it to the calcium being deposited in the bones. And once it’s there it quietly goes about poisoning the bone marrow, causing strange and unpredictable cancers. Mutations. Leukemia is about as benign as it gets.
Friday Videos: Angry Birds vs. Middle East Despots
Love the fact that this goofy samizdat apparently came from a grassroots websavvy protestor with some cool animation skillz. I love the fact that around the world, the emerging global culture plays off the fads&trends that have their origin in what kids in the...
Cookie Abuse: Absurd Expiration Dates & How to Fix This
Some of the cookies on my computer won’t expire until nearly 30 years after I hit my 100th birthday. Most of the others will (supposedly) stay resident and not expire for another quarter-century.