David LaFontaine's
Sips from the Firehose
A blog that attempts to distill the internet into one easy-to-gulp mental beverage.
Ahhh! Tasty.
…in which Carbonite causes the Blue Screen of Death … on a Mac!
A dark line descended over my Mac and all the programs froze. Then the message came up on the screen, telling me that I should push the "Power" button on the front of the Mac, hold it down until the whole machine turned off, and basically do a hard reboot. Not. Good....
Stephen King’s Characters (as interpreted by Bulgarian fan artist)
Stephen King posters, originally uploaded by Wordyeti. All your favorites are there ... the "It" clown, little Drew Barry more starting the fire, The Gunslinger, the creepy little monkey with his cymbals. I'm not sure if the pix here were meant to be some sort of...
A Kind of Symmetry
I'm in Sofia, Bulgaria, training journalists & others on how to use the various tools of New Media. As part of the trip, we went into the mountains, to an ancient monastery. Yeah, I know -- a trip up winding paths to a crumbling castle ... bring your garlic,...
Where the Symbols on the Dollar Come From…
This is painted on the ceiling of the Rila Monastery in the mountains of Bulgaria, one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. I can't help but wonder whose eye this ancient artist used as the model for the Eye of God. The history and beauty of this complex makes me feel...
Experiments in Podcasting: Testing the PodPress Plug-in (Again)
A couple years ago, I toyed around with including audio and video files into this blog as pod/vodcasts. My experience was that the level of control that I was able to achieve really wasn't worth all the blood, sweat and repetitive-stress injury to my mousing hand to...
Moran Cerf, Madonna, and the Mass Media Reality-Distortion Field
Moran Cerf’s work centers around the micro scale — how on a personal level, we don’t really know what we think we know. My life has been spent examining that effect on a more macro scale — where, as a society, it doesn’t matter what really happened, only what people think (and say) happened.
Reality is, indeed, what we make of it. Which is both exciting, and frightening.