The New York Times’ Take on Charles Johnson & Little Green Footballs

This story has been developing for some time, and has provided the usual lefty suspects with quite a delicious schadenfreude chortle or two. But now the New York Times has weighed in, and the article makes it clear that something extraordinary is happening in the...

Bookworms love the new Nook e-reader

Setting a couple of bookworms loose to play with the next generation e-readers is like setting Augustus Gloop loose in the Wonka Chocolate factory. The first thing that strikes you about the Nook is how much *faster* it is than the Kindle. And Janine loved the...

Headless Mannequin in Topless Dumpster

Living next to a prop house, every once in a while you glance over and do a spit-take. They had just chucked what looked like a limp woman’s body out of the back of a semi. Wondering if the frustrated Evil Elves in the fabrication shop had finally snapped and...

Theories on “The New Normal” Abound; Most Are Probably Wrong

The New Normal: DenialSince the first utterance of the phrase “green shoots,” there have been attempts to gaze into the crystal ball, to predict what things are going to be like once we get out of the recession/depression-lite. The most recent is a long...